Dreaming of Elephants Crossing the River

Dreaming of elephants crossing the river: Indicates poor luck, as there may be deceitful individuals around you. It is necessary to be more vigilant.

A businessperson dreaming of elephants crossing the river: Indicates good luck, with a gradual decline in financial prospects. There are opportunities for increased income, and personal expenditure is well-controlled.

A pregnant woman dreaming of elephants crossing the river: Indicates good luck, successful endeavors, and the birth of a healthy baby boy. As the child grows up, they may achieve great accomplishments.

A student dreaming of elephants crossing the river: Indicates good luck, and when feeling bored with studying, it is suggested to use divination methods, as it may spark an interest in learning.

A woman dreaming of elephants crossing the river: Indicates good luck, a happy life, and the possibility of encountering a wealthy partner. Life may become luxurious, with a sense of insufficient funds.