Dreaming of Igniting and Burning Fallen Leaves
Dreaming of igniting and burning fallen leaves: The fortune is good. A friend may introduce you to a money-making opportunity. Remember to seize it.
A woman dreaming of igniting and burning fallen leaves: The fortune is good. Going shopping with a close friend brings great joy and finding the desired clothes.
A single person dreaming of igniting and burning fallen leaves: The fortune is good. The early stage of a relationship is in a discreet phase, but the stagnant air dissipates, and there is smooth interaction with the person of interest.
An investor dreaming of igniting and burning fallen leaves: The fortune is good. Due to the holiday season, there is an opportunity to participate in team spending, and business-related expenses are expected to rise.
A student dreaming of igniting and burning fallen leaves: The fortune is good. There is a sense of improvement in exam results. Remember not to be complacent and to continue working hard.