Dreaming of Propeller

The propeller symbolizes the motivations or intentions hidden behind the dreamer's developmental process. The dreamer understands their needs but also needs to know how to make progress. The motion of the propeller provides "power" to propel the dreamer forward, implying the ability to apply their wisdom effortlessly.

Dreaming of a screw propeller indicates the dreamer's desire for exploration and discovery in the realm of consciousness.

On a spiritual level, the screw propeller represents a certain level of spiritual desire hidden behind the dreamer's actions.

Dream Analysis of Dreaming of Propeller:

Dream: I dreamt that I was on a large ship watching others fishing, and they caught a dead person. Then, shortly after, both of them were killed by the ship's propeller, and it was a very realistic scene with lots of blood in the sea. I realized it was a deliberate cover-up, and I was afraid of being killed to silence me. I wanted to escape from the ship, and as soon as I reached the shore and found a hiding spot, they came after me. Just as they were about to discover me, I knew it was a dream and woke myself up.

Dream Analysis: You have many work plans that have been progressing steadily, but in the past couple of days, an unexpected minor incident has led to a setback in your plans. Some previously unnoticed potential risks have been exposed due to this sudden situation and require careful adjustment. These days, you have good communication frequency with your partner and it's also suitable to relax together.